Playstation 4

Released in November of 2013, the PlayStation 4 is the fourth home gaming console released by Sony. However, unlike previous PlayStation consoles, the PS4 is not just for video games but offers a total entertainment experience, enabling you to watch movies, listen to music, chat with your friends, browse the Internet and much more! We can only guess what the PS5.

Thanks to its built-in Blu-ray optical drive, the PlayStation 4 will transform your home video experience in a way you didn't think possible, showing movies with clarity only reserved for the most high-tech theater setup. In addition, apps from popular digital distribution services like Netflix and Hulu enable you to stream content such as movies or the latest episode of your favorite television show.

For the music lover, Sony's Music Unlimited program will give you unlimited access to thousand's of artists for a low monthly fee, turning your PlayStation 4 into a digital jukebox.
For the social aficionado PlayStation 4 features a larger friend list than the PlayStation 3 and enables you to share content you enjoy, chat via text and voice, and even watch your friend play a game live thanks to the built-in streaming technology!
Finally, the built-in Web browser means you don't have to get off the couch in order to look up cheat codes for your newest game. 

If you're looking to use the PlayStation 4 primarily as a gaming console, Sony has you covered! The DualShock 4 uses the same shape as previous controllers but with a few new additions, namely the built-in microphone and the Share button. This button serves many purposes, such as enabling you to share screen shots and videos with your fellow gamers. Social functionality is one of the driving forces in the PlayStation 4, making it easier than ever to connect with your fellow gamers for a quick online game! 

Sharing isn't all the PlayStation 4 does new: you will have the ability to use your real name when you play, you can upload videos directly to social networking websites such as Facebook, online streaming service Gaikai will enable you to try a demo of virtually any PS4 game and Sony has fully embraced the free-to-play model, offering the same free games that are available on the PC like Blacklight: Retribution. 

Still not convinced? The PlayStation 4 features a revamped user interface and the PS4 can now multitask during gameplay, enabling you to have a Web browser and a PS4 game open simultaneously or open the PlayStation Store without closing your current game!
But what is a gaming console without games? Sony has you covered in that regard as well. Not only will all the greatest multiplatform titles be hitting the system but Sony has unveiled a full range of first party games that is sure to get any gamer excited. Expect the following exclusive PlayStation 4 titles for the system:
  • Killzone: Shadow Fall
  • InFamous: Second Son
  • Driveclub
  • Knack
And the following multiplatform titles, with many of them, such as Watch Dogs, boasting exclusive PS4 content:
  • Watch Dogs
  • Thief
  • The Witness
  • Dying Light
  • Call of Duty: Ghosts
Here at PS4 Experts, we're your source for the latest PlayStation 4 news. Whether it's a new game reveal, an updated price or what the latest industry expert thinks about the system, we've got it here. We update on a daily basis with the hottest PlayStation 4 news, so refresh the front page often to get the latest and greatest in news on what is sure to be the top system of the next generation!
If you had a PS4 (Sony Playstation 4) in your hands right now would you tell anyone or would keep the secret to yourself? Just think of what the PS3 has done and then imagine what its next generation gaming console will do. With so much on the line we believe Sony will put some of the worlds best engineers to work on the most revolutionary gaming console ever known to man. Now that it is official Sony proved just that! Microsoft Xbox One has its work cut out for it. Is it too early to start thinking about the next generation PS5 ?


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